Review & Improve
Your AWS workloads
Leverage the AWS Well-Architected Review (WAR) to create high performant, cost effective, secure and resilent architectures for your AWS workload.
Framework & Review
AWS Well Architected Framework
The Well-Architected Framework was established by AWS to help customers build secure, high-performance, resilient and cost efficient infrastructure for their workloads. It is based on five central pillars and provides a consistent approach for creating scalable architectures.
AWS Well Architected Review
The Well-Architected Review is a conversation-style architectural review of your workload between a qualified ByteSource professional and you, based upon the AWS Well-Architected Framework. As an outcome ByteSource provides you with a report of recommendations including a priotized roadmap to deliver and meet best practices stated in the Well-Architected Framework, tailored to your business and workload.
AWS Well Architected Review Process
In a first call, we inform you about the whole process, responsibilities and outcomes. You identify and explain the workload to be reviewed. Afterwards, you involve relevant stakeholders and prepare the needed workload information for ByteSource. This helps getting everybody on board, clarifies expectations and sets a timeline
The review is a conversational style architectural review of your workload between a ByteSource professional and the customer, based upon the AWS Well-Architected Framework. Reviews can be done on customer site or remotely and usually take about one business day
After the Well-Architected Review is conducted, ByteSource provides you with a written report of potential risks and issues, categorized in the 5 pillars. Including a tailor-made improvement plan with a prioritized roadmap, giving you concrete guidance on what to do next. The report will be presented and delivered within 3-5 business days following the review.
Customer Benefits
Know your state & workload
Executing an AWS Well Architected Review encourages customers to view and think about their workload from different perspectives (the pillars of the Framework). The Well-Architected Review helps to better understand the current workload including strengths, weaknesses, trade-offs and improvement potentials in their architecture.
Neutral and standardized view
The AWS Well Architected Framework helps customers to build and improve their workload architecture based on AWS cloud best practices, in standardized ways. Within the AWS Well-Architected Review, ByteSource helps to review your current workload with an additional neutral view of an experienced partner for Cloud, DevOps, Atlassian and Agile Software Development.
Report & Action Plan for Improvement
Reviewing a workload is the first step, but improving your workload is just as important. After the Well-Architected Review, ByteSource provides you a report of potential risks and issues categorized in the 5 pillars, including a tailor-made improvement plan with a prioritized roadmap, giving you concrete guidance on what to do next.
5k remediation credits & Free Review
If you decide to work on the items of the improvement plan in collaboration with ByteSource, you are eligable for up to 5k of AWS credits directly appliable to your AWS bill. The review itself is provided for free.
5 Pillars of the Well Architected Framework
Operational Excellence
The Operational Excellence pillar includes the ability to support development and run workloads effectively, gain insight into their operations, and to continuously improve supporting processes and procedures to deliver business value.
The Security pillar encompasses the ability to protect data, systems, and assets to take advantage of cloud technologies to improve your security.
The Reliability pillar encompasses the ability of a workload to perform its intended function correctly and consistently when it’s expected to. This includes the ability to operate and test the workload through its total lifecycle.
Performance Efficiency
The Performance Efficiency pillar includes the ability to use computing resources efficiently to meet system requirements, and to maintain that efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve
Cost Optimization
The Cost Optimization pillar includes the ability to run systems to deliver business value at the lowest price point.
Qualified Professionals
Our professionals have claimed the following AWS certified qualifications

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