
Major security incidents have shown that IT Security must have a high priority in companies in order to protect sensitive data from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction. With our offer we want to help our customers understand the potential risks, identify vulnerabilities, protect the environment against attacks and train employees to minimize security risks.

Our offer comprises:

  • Security on all relevant layers of the IT lifecycle
  • Continuous code reviews during development with a special focus on security
  • Training for security aware development e.g. fast or fully automatic detection of SQL injection vulnerable code

Best practices:

  • Techniques against session highjacking and XSS in general
  • Load Tests on all relevant layers of a stack
  • Security training for administrators
  • Implementation of highly secure and cost effective enterprise grade firewalls e.g. based on Linux iptables with connection tracking in active/active clusters
  • Strategies for minimizing the impact of denial of service attacks
  • Fast or automatic creation of firewall filters
  • Flexible web and application server farms for dynamic load distribution

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